On the average most of us coach or are involved in sports for lofty reasons. We love the sport, we love all it can give us, we love the athletes. Before we, {Gregg and I} were presented with the opportunity to serve with Fellowship of Christian Athletes, we knew we loved coaching for all of the reason above. We were your average high school coaches doing what coaches do, until God grabbed a hold of our hearts.
A little background : since our dating days one of us has been coaching. Gregg was a head basketball coach and eventually head soccer coach at. small school in upstate NY when we met. After we married we took on various roles in modified sports, club sports, but never left the ranks of high school athletics.
Coaching has been a beautiful gift for our family (we raised two boys who didn't know life without a practice schedule) .
The heart of FCA is to minister to coaches and athletes, but one of the rare things really addressed is the married life of a coaching family. FCA has recognized that a coach and their spouse do encounter significant challenges that evade those outside the lines .
So we come to you as average coaches. We have never won a state championship, we have never held a press conference about our teams and we will probably never be featured on ESPN (I'll never say never).
However, we have stayed married as two head coaches raising athletes in a small town for over 20 years. So in the space we want to encourage you. We aren't impressive by any means, but we do want to encourage couples walking this walk. It's gift and it's a grind.
Up next: the biggest fight.